Thursday, November 4, 2021

Book Review: Spouse in the House: Rearranging Our Attitudes to Make Room for Each Other by Cynthia Ruchti and Becky Melby


SSpouse in the House: Rearranging Our Attitudes to Make Room for Each Other by Cynthia Ruchti and Becky Melby
Wanted to read this book as my spouse had been let go, they eliminated his position, back in January.  He'd been with the company for 27 years.
Not going to retire til he's 66 1/3 so that leaves about a year left. After collecting unemployment and trying to keep up to date on computer things, that was his job, he got bored.
Tried getting him hobbies and he did enjoy a few but he will save them for when he does retire. We got a lot accomplished in the house while he was home, cleaning out things.
This book will be right up my alley as I've been there, survived it and no T shirt.
Book starts with praise from others and table of contents.
Story starts where the authors have alternating chances to state their facts. Sometimes you just have to laugh, if you've been there before.
There are a lot of side-notes that I found very helpful along the way. A lot of comprising and trying not to step on each others toes.
I was lucky my spouse did go back to his old job-they renamed it something different and only out of work for 4 1/2 months. Now we know what to expect when he does retire.
Like conversations in the book also so you can see the other side of things.
What I found most helpful was inspirational charts at the very end. Never put things in columns before but it was so clear to actually see the words there.
Book ends with acknowledgements, a louse of a spouse, unsafe place and where to get help. This was eye opening for those who need it and for those of us who don't we may know others who can use this information.
Bible passages are included as well. Like questions at the end helping your spouse find his place in the house you are also living in.
Resources and notes are also included at the end.
Other works by the authors are listed.  Very worthwhile book. So glad I got to read it.
Won this book in a contest and this is my honest opinion.

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