Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Book Review: Limit Your Screen Time: A Children’s Book Promoting Outdoor Play, Healthy Living, and Breaking Screen Addiction for Kids Aged 3-10 Vedika Agrawal , Kunal Das


Limit Your Screen Time: A Children’s Book Promoting Outdoor Play, Healthy Living, and Breaking Screen Addiction for Kids Aged 3-10
by Vedika Agrawal, Kunal Das
This book starts out with a nameplate and it opens on a family playing with toys.
Colorful, informational, educational, children's book about limiting their screen time.
Rohan is the little child that is always been so busy til he gets  a mobile and a laptop and discovers racing and shoot em up games.
He spends so much time now sitting playing that he doesn't realize the effect it's having on his body.
A cousin comes to play and he just wants to show them the computer games.  Josh visits for a week and the neighbors come to ask him to play outside.
Parents tell Rohan he should go play also after he had spent some time in bed with a headache from the overage of the computers.
Rohan figures he can beat them all because he does so well at the computer games but when he actually gets outside he needs help to climb a tree and he's the last on the bike ride.
When I grew up the whole neighborhood played outside til dusk. We had chores in the morning then bike riding, ball games, beach trips. etc
When our children grew up we had just gotten a compute and we all had to share. After school they'd get to use it for an hour, if they didn't turn it off when I asked I just turned the power off. I had to do that only once.
Harsh lesson to learn but they got it. Even today they limit their time and their children's times on the computers. There is so much more to do to keep you healthy.
Beautiful realistic story. Lots of helpful information at the end in the health corner. Other works by the authors are listed at the end.

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