Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Book Review: Make it Real by Nan Reinhardt



Make it Real (The Walkers of River's Edge Book 2) Ki by Nan Reinhardt

Story starts out with Joe and he's shooting at the fox who keeps getting into his hen house. He stumbles, misses the woman and her dog and falls into poison ivy-he's highly allergic and has broken part of his leg. Kara from next door living with her grandparents as she helps them with farm stand and also works with landscape design for a local company.  She is able to call 911 and Joe is sent unconscious to the ER. She goes into his house and finds his wallet, keys and a list of those to call which she calls his sister. She remembers Kara and they plan to meet  at the hospital. She takes care of his hens while he's recuperating and they form a bond with one another. When her grandfather has a medical emergency he is there but she has to concentrate on the grandparents, not Joe. She makes some other hard decisions for her future. Love how she  accepts his help as a friend when he shows up with boys who need hours with chores she has no time for. love how they are there for each other in their own way.  Love learning about the nursery business and tending to fruits, vegetable snad chickens. Great story and I've read the first book in the series so that makes it more special.

Book ends with her other works.

Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion.


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