Thursday, August 29, 2024

Book Review: Small Town Christmas: Montana Christmas Collection by Jane Porter


Small Town Christmas: Montana Christmas Collection by Jane Porter
What I like about this collection of books is the diversification of careers, heart and soul inspiring, the community helping everybody that needs it, love, travel, nature, Holiday spirit, strong characters who go after what they want and love, decorations and how can you not just fall in love in Marietta.


Christmas At Copper Mountain
Brock and Harle's story.
...They needed a housekeeper that knew the work and did it well.
He had lost his wife after 1 1/2 years and he didn't want a chatty housekeeper. It'd be a perfect fit.
She has had her own tragedy and we learn of it as the story goes along. She is really concerned when the biggest storm of the year hits and her boss is out in it. to track down some lost cattle.
The other ranch hands won't go look for him-the boss would have their heads. Love that she cooks for them all.
She gets the surprise of her life later that night and confronts the boss when he arrives.. is she going to leave or can she stick it out?
Love that their feelings on many topics come out of their shells and how they've kept them hidden so long.

Not Christmas Without You
Quinn and Charity story
Misunderstandings, you wonder if they can get on the same path again. Love the new location in this book as we've yet to visit in that area. Sounds like just what we'd want in a vacation spot. Love hearing of all the festivities around town and how they all celebrate.
Love catching up with all the others as I've followed the towns stories for years now. Always something to look forward to.

Oh Christmas Night
Atticus and Rachel story.
They both have arrived in Marietta and discover the town on foot.
Love they are at Marietta during the holidays as the festivities are endless....
She needs to prove to him that she can make a go of it with a profit and like her new job of running the bookshop. Shouldn't be too hard with the supply of books she has to offer and it is Christmas.
Love how the other business in town help her out. She knows he only wants her building. He keeps telling her he wants her to succeed....
Unexpected ending and like it.

Montana Cowboy Miracle
Cade and Merri story.
Cade helps her with the display she puts out and modifies the stand for the night. She takes in contributions to put baskets together for others less fortunate in town.
Love how she has just everything all set up in her garage with who is getting what.  Others in town are so giving.
Problem is she  falls on a patch of ice and injures her foot so she needs others to do everything for her. Cade moves back in while he pursues finding his relatives and leads to find his sister.
He is also in touch with the hands at the ranch daily and is ready to head back if they need him.
So much goes wrong for all of them in their pursuits .... it's the holiday season....
love how it all wraps up, so magical.

Away in Montana
McKenna and Sinclairs story.
This book contains mysteries, romance, drama, action with twists and turns, nature and frugal living and history.
Loved hearing of the fashion business and Montana statehood and especially the events in the mine.

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