Saturday, August 31, 2024

Aug 31 Book Review: The Triumph of Angelscombe by Hilary Walker



 The Triumph of Angelscombe by Hilary Walker
This book starts out with the disconnected priests in the area all gathered together at one location.
They do have jobs and they also discuss the new Pope and everything that is going on in the Catholic religion.
The changes are not how they were taught how to teach the religion. 
They have no duties with the church but they hope one day to be reinstated.  We learn so much more that occurs int eh local community with the priests help.
Love the horses they attend to, how they know when something is wrong with them and who to call for help.
There is one that does the cooking using fresh things from the garden. They are also raising Christmas poinsettias for the holiday season, to adorn the altar.
Some tend to the horses, feeding, walking them mucking stalls and so much more.
One priest has an encounter with a visiting priest and he is attracted to him but doesn't want it to go any further.
His solution is to pray. He also talks to another priest about it and they pray for a solution.
They have all been warned about something is coming and one day it happens. The skies go crazy and illuminates the earth.
So much more happens among the religion as some see the spirt of Christ and are told the truth. to keep strong in their religion.
Things could not have come out better for them after their phenonium.
Love hearing all about the horses and what their livelihood means to them as a group.
Great read. Like this series enough to keep reading it. the religion is NOT forced down your throat. 
There are scripture verses and explanation for each chapter is also listed at the end along with references.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion. 

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