Small Town Christmas: Montana Christmas Collection by Jane Porter
What I like about this collection of books is the diversification of careers, heart and soul inspiring, the community helping everybody that needs it, love, travel, nature, Holiday spirit, strong characters who go after what they want and love, decorations and how can you not just fall in love in Marietta.
Christmas At Copper Mountain
Brock and Harle's story.
...They needed a housekeeper that knew the work and did it well.
He had lost his wife after 1 1/2 years and he didn't want a chatty housekeeper. It'd be a perfect fit.
She has had her own tragedy and we learn of it as the story goes along. She is really concerned when the biggest storm of the year hits and her boss is out in it. to track down some lost cattle.
The other ranch hands won't go look for him-the boss would have their heads. Love that she cooks for them all.
She gets the surprise of her life later that night and confronts the boss when he arrives.. is she going to leave or can she stick it out?
Love that their feelings on many topics come out of their shells and how they've kept them hidden so long.
Not Christmas Without You
Quinn and Charity story
Misunderstandings, you wonder if they can get on the same path again. Love the new location in this book as we've yet to visit in that area. Sounds like just what we'd want in a vacation spot. Love hearing of all the festivities around town and how they all celebrate.
Love catching up with all the others as I've followed the towns stories for years now. Always something to look forward to.
Oh Christmas Night
Atticus and Rachel story.
They both have arrived in Marietta and discover the town on foot.
Love they are at Marietta during the holidays as the festivities are endless....
She needs to prove to him that she can make a go of it with a profit and like her new job of running the bookshop. Shouldn't be too hard with the supply of books she has to offer and it is Christmas.
Love how the other business in town help her out. She knows he only wants her building. He keeps telling her he wants her to succeed....
Unexpected ending and like it.
Montana Cowboy Miracle
Cade and Merri story.
Cade helps her with the display she puts out and modifies the stand for the night. She takes in contributions to put baskets together for others less fortunate in town.
Love how she has just everything all set up in her garage with who is getting what. Others in town are so giving.
Problem is she falls on a patch of ice and injures her foot so she needs others to do everything for her. Cade moves back in while he pursues finding his relatives and leads to find his sister.
He is also in touch with the hands at the ranch daily and is ready to head back if they need him.
So much goes wrong for all of them in their pursuits .... it's the holiday season....
love how it all wraps up, so magical.
Away in Montana
McKenna and Sinclairs story.
This book contains mysteries, romance, drama, action with twists and turns, nature and frugal living and history.
Loved hearing of the fashion business and Montana statehood and especially the events in the mine.
One Alpen Day by Michele Davenport Dutton
This story starts out with an intro of sorts about the locations where the story takes place.
Garmisch, Germany where Angela had grown up. Also follows her life while in California.
Angela was raised in Germany but family left when she was six to live in CA. Visits to the family
Love how author gives you the German word and then tells you what it means or describes food or garment in detail.
Such a picturesque location and I have seen pictures on FB via the authors pages of the shops in the area.
Story starts out with Angela and she's back in Germany after divorcing her spouse Nick. She had two miscarriages with him and the doctor stated it was his low sperm count. A child is all Nick ever wanted. She works at her relatives bakery.
Love that she's not given up on life, she gets money from the ex and still she wants to work. Love the bakery shop and so many delectables are highlighted.
Love the community, and you meet a few of the locals, especially the neighbors next door. Angela tends to her vegetable garden and her neighbor has a flower garden. They swap food for flowers. Angela uses the flowers on the tables at the bakery shop.
She is content with her life and her dog keeps her company. She does most things via her bike, the location is self contained, everything you need is there.
Story also follows Mason. He's a big movie star that Angela knows about. He frequents the shop and even brings children in once he gets to know them better.
Story also goes back in time to when Angela was married to Nick and what caused Mason to come to Germany.
Love that she wants to not only help guide them around the area but that he wants to spend time with her. She really takes to the children and wishes they were hers.
Shop is so memorialized with events from the area of the centuries. Love hearing about all of them.
Mason and the children have to leave to return to the USA and Angela finds out yes she is pregnant...
She is strong but so many thing can happen...Love that this is really a love story of her grandparents, in the author’s own words and memories.
Such touching story and one that will stay with me. First time author for me and can't wait to read more of her works.
Adult situations.
Descriptions are so detailed, twists and turns, unpredictable, love story. One of my top ten for this year out of 300 books.

Murder at Vinland by Alyssa Maxwell
This location I have seen from the Cliff Walk side as we viewed the Great Migration of Elephants, pictures enclosed showing Vinland a of Aug 4, 2024. I also recall a scene from the story about being along the Cliff Walk and I know where the spot is that is so dangerous. They now have fences up but really how safe are they?
Story starts out with Emma, and her and Derrick are married and run one of the newspapers in Newport, RI 1905. Very familiar with a lot of the locations being a bit local to them but am able to find out more about the older days. Also love the new words I discovered. She attends a tea party and one of the speakers is soliciting for a bird foundation to help protect the birds in the area. She hopes to raise enough money to get the project started. There is so much going on in this story that all link together. The plot of land next to Gull House they hope to buy so Emma can start a finishing school in Newport. They have the owner of the land and her niece staying with them and Zinnia is a painter and she knows her subjects well. Love excursions they go on: Norman Bird Sanctuary and the Sachuest National Wildlife Refuge area among other beaches in the area. So cool to look back. Problem with the story is it had me sitting on the edge of my seat many times as the plot thickened and death occurred. I can never figure out who the culprit is even with all the clues. It points in so many directions and Emma helps Jessie the detective figure things out. She does put herself in harms way, as usual.
Love this series and hope more end up being a movie as one did. Excellent job of all the history presented. Took me over 3 days to read, didn't want to read it in one sitting but digest it and make it last longer.
Received this review copy from Kensington Books and this is my honest opinion.

The Wraith's Return by Raemi A. Ray
Story starts when Kara is just landing at Martha’s Vineyard from London/NYC.
She's there to relax on Martha's Vineyard for part of the summer and still work remotely.
She finds some things a little unsettling when she attends a birthday party for a friend.
They also find out there is a ship that was wrecked from a storm in 1700's and it's now been discovered.
One of the locals is being accused of the murder that occurs and with her father’s papers she is able to help find the documents of the incident.
With island life comes rumors and gossip. There is not a lot to do on an island so everybody knows everybody's business.
Love the exploration of caves and scenes nearby. Love how the island comes together to prove one of their own not guilty.
When treasure is abound people are greedy when it comes to the money involved.
Love this series and island life. Have read a lot about the vineyard and have a list of places that I have to visit.
Can't wait to read more. Love food, sounds so yummy. Cronk is growing on me.
Received this review copy from the publishing company and this is my honest opinion.
The Triumph of Angelscombe by Hilary Walker
This book starts out with the disconnected priests in the area all gathered together at one location.
They do have jobs and they also discuss the new Pope and everything that is going on in the Catholic religion.
The changes are not how they were taught how to teach the religion.
They have no duties with the church but they hope one day to be reinstated. We learn so much more that occurs int eh local community with the priests help.
Love the horses they attend to, how they know when something is wrong with them and who to call for help.
There is one that does the cooking using fresh things from the garden. They are also raising Christmas poinsettias for the holiday season, to adorn the altar.
Some tend to the horses, feeding, walking them mucking stalls and so much more.
One priest has an encounter with a visiting priest and he is attracted to him but doesn't want it to go any further.
His solution is to pray. He also talks to another priest about it and they pray for a solution.
They have all been warned about something is coming and one day it happens. The skies go crazy and illuminates the earth.
So much more happens among the religion as some see the spirt of Christ and are told the truth. to keep strong in their religion.
Things could not have come out better for them after their phenonium.
Love hearing all about the horses and what their livelihood means to them as a group.
Great read. Like this series enough to keep reading it. the religion is NOT forced down your throat.
There are scripture verses and explanation for each chapter is also listed at the end along with references.
Received this review copy from the author and this is my honest opinion.

Make it Real (The Walkers of River's Edge Book 2) Ki by Nan Reinhardt
Story starts out with Joe and he's shooting at the fox who keeps getting into his hen house. He stumbles, misses the woman and her dog and falls into poison ivy-he's highly allergic and has broken part of his leg. Kara from next door living with her grandparents as she helps them with farm stand and also works with landscape design for a local company. She is able to call 911 and Joe is sent unconscious to the ER. She goes into his house and finds his wallet, keys and a list of those to call which she calls his sister. She remembers Kara and they plan to meet at the hospital. She takes care of his hens while he's recuperating and they form a bond with one another. When her grandfather has a medical emergency he is there but she has to concentrate on the grandparents, not Joe. She makes some other hard decisions for her future. Love how she accepts his help as a friend when he shows up with boys who need hours with chores she has no time for. love how they are there for each other in their own way. Love learning about the nursery business and tending to fruits, vegetable snad chickens. Great story and I've read the first book in the series so that makes it more special.
Book ends with her other works.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion.
Runaway to the Outback by Nicole Flockton
Am familiar with the characters and the town so that makes it a lot easy to dive right in. If you've not read the series, it's ok you are brought up to date without a lot of the past events.
This story starts out with Pandora and high end model who's at her wits end. She just walked off the set doing a wedding gown cover for the magazine and has left her phone, purse everything and took the rental car with her.
She ends up in Bunya Junction and walks into the bar where the bartender Jonas is there to serve her and help her out.
He thinks an angry groom will be appearing and she sets him straight. She also has no room for the night and no way to pay for it.
His sister arrives and knows who she is and confides in her that she can help get her regular clothes to wear.
She arrives back later with a bag of all kinds of clothes, in right sizes that she collected from her friends and thrift store. Jonas also sets her up with a room above the bar that the family rents out from time to time.
He is smitten with her as they learn more about each other. They walk when things are quiet at nights.
She helps him out at the bar with washing and cleaning, serving, whatever needs to be done.
She finally talks to her agent and Laura will handle the press and keep pressure off Pandora. Things get out of hand when she learns what others think of her just leaving and she has to head back to Sydney to set the record straight, although it might sabotage her career.
Love solutions they come up with. You figure there's no way she'd be happy staying in this rural town compared to all the travel she's done modeling clothes.
Love this story and twists and turns for them and others in the area. Excerpt of the next book in the series is included at the end.
the wrong brother by Eve Gaddy
This story starts out with Logan and he's a medical doctor. He lives at the family ranch along with his brother Liam and their mom.
There's a lot of turmoil as Liam has invited a woman to stay with them to find out if she's the one. They've been zooming for many months for hours on end. She is a thriller author and love how she connects to eh local librarian.
Liam is the horse and ranch manager. Story follows the woman also, Cici and when she arrives Logan is the one to pick her up at the airport. Liam is busy helping birth the new foal.
They just don't hit it off from the start. We learn the problem later and the solution.
Liam and Cici do get along and she's not used to being around horses. They are trying to persuade their mom that Liam is all set, settled down, etc so she can go on and marry her intended and not have to worry about Liam at all.
Things don't go according to plan. So many twists and turns and just when things are right there are secrets that come out but not from the one who knows the truth of the secrets.
They both have things to hide from their past...
Great story and love hearing about the shops in the town.
Received this review copy from the publishing company and this is my honest opinion.
Taming the Troublemaker by Kadie Scott
This story is about Beth and she's a local schoolteacher. One night after spending time with her sisters at the bar she heads to her truck and gets in, won't start. it's not her truck. she hurries out but forgot her purse and is trying to figure out how to get it back when Autry shows up, it's his truck. he's a number one troublemaker with the women and his father is tired of it. He will trade 6 months of behaving for the family house.
Autry is so attracted to Beth and they get in a pickle one night and she has to plea their case to the lawyer and ask if they can give community service to Autry.
They do allow him to become a mentor for Dylan, a troubled kid who's been to foster house to another his whole life.
Love the time Beth and Autry do spend with him, teaching him basic sports things, how to fish, etc.
They may have to relocate Dylan out of state soon.... the adults take matters into their own hands to head that off....
Adult situations. Enjoyed the read and how the families come together to help out. Great story.
A Great Marriage by Frances Mayes
Story starts out with Dara and she's at her parents’ house along with her soon to be spouse.
There are a lot of festivities and the parents have paid for everything for the wedding of the century.
Years gone by from the mothers angle take up a bit of the book.
Couple is then heading to NY to have their before wedding parties and Dara is told something by Justin and she has to just walk away from it all.
She can't explain to her parents and she goes on traveling to find her niche, at a loss at times over the loss of Justin.
Story also follows Justin and how one woman ruined his whole life...
As the months go by we hear from them both and find out how to once again contact one another...
Love the RISD mention as it is in my home state and have seen their works.
Love the imagination and creativity the group have renovating a whole house...
Also follows how Justin is handling all he has hold of now.
So many secrets.
Received this review copy from Random House Group via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
Meant to Be by Nan Reinhardt
First time reading this series and didn’t feel like I missed anything as the past events are mentioned a bit in this book.
This story starts out with Mayor Megan and she's discussing Sam’s wedding as it’s soon when she gets a call that sends the Irish brothers to Chicago where Sean was trying a case.
Megan and Sean grew up side by side and were buddies til death do they part.
When she arrives at the hospital she lends her house to him while he recovers.
They always told each other of dates they had gone on and shared their secrets with one another.
She's got his back and he always has hers.
Story also focuses on Sean and his life and now that he is back, for the wedding he's getting feeling for Megan.
Story also follow Megan's father and the mother of of the bride as she's in town for a few weeks.
There is also romance from others in the family as well.
Love that it's an older crowd, not in 20s so a lot more resonates with me.
Love hearing of the town and how Megan can convince the residents about improvements they need to make.
Really great read. Excerpt from the next book in the series is included at the end.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion.
The Maverick's Surprise Family by Roxanne Snopek
This story starts out with Lucas and he runs the adventure park as a guide. He has CP but that doesn't keep him from having fun on the trails and doing outdoors events.
Problem is the park is no longer working due to a medical mishap with one of the clients that visited. They even took him to court. He has a lot on his plate but escape for a few days in Grant, MT where he is able to relax and find meaningful relationships.
He also is in contact with his family-the ones that were all given away for adoption when born. They meet up and go over what they do know via the paper trail. He is trying to find his fathers link.
Story also follows Bayleigh who runs the therapeutic riding stables along with renting out cabins. She does a lot of networking and has built her business over the years. She's also raising a teen who helps out at the stables.
Like mix and learning about each of the careers. Adult situations. Lots of twists and turns in this story.
You wonder how long Lucas can go with so much against him.
Received this review copy from the publishing company and this is my honest opinion.
All's Fair in Love and Rodeo by Leah Vale
This story starts out with Sammie and her other Buckin' Babes TV show have formed a company and want investments and endorsements.
They know they are good at their job in the rodeo. Sammie has her mind set on how to win them over to grant them the contract.
Story also follows Alec whose grandfather owns a ranch and is very influential. He had a one night date with Sammie and now she doesn't even answer his messages.
He is recovering from a bad fall from a bull and with his family's influence he can help the babes reach their potential.
When he sees Sammie they are both taken aback at why the other is there. They do get to talk and she tells him her secret but he can't tell anyone else.
He follows her around, and even helps her when she's out of gas and there is a culprit out there and they are not sure why is in the limelight.
Like how she works through her troubles. She has no idea how she was raised but has met the grandmother who raised her and he wonder is she's just after his money.
They do have more in-depth conversations to help each figure out what's going on.
Great read, can't wait for the holiday book.
Received this review copy from Tule Publishing and this is my honest opinion.
An Introduction to Herbal Teas and Natural Remedies: Discover 100+ Herbal Tea Infusion Recipes for Holistic Healing and Greater Well-Being by The Green Glow
This book has much information about the teas and how to use it for ailments.
Talks about traditions and history used in many different countries and cultures.
How to properly make tea is discussed in steps.
Health factors of various organs are also discussed.
List of herbs and spices and how they target various organs and ailments.
Each recipe starts with a title, summary of the tea. Time, serving time, prep and cook times are included.
List of ingredient and directions are given. Like blends available and how to make them.

Indoor Plant Care 101: The Beginner's Guide to Happy & Healthy Houseplants by Miche Ferret
What I like about this book right from the start is the layout.
Starts with TOC where the key points are made about plants.
Love the chapters on individual plants.
Lot of intro material about how to care for most plants. Other chapters cater to specidific ones.
Health benefits of tending to plants is included.
Like section on getting rid of infestations that are on your plants, home remedies, no chemicals.
So much to learn about the plants we do have.
Limit Your Screen Time: A Children’s Book Promoting Outdoor Play, Healthy Living, and Breaking Screen Addiction for Kids Aged 3-10
by Vedika Agrawal, Kunal Das
This book starts out with a nameplate and it opens on a family playing with toys.
Colorful, informational, educational, children's book about limiting their screen time.
Rohan is the little child that is always been so busy til he gets a mobile and a laptop and discovers racing and shoot em up games.
He spends so much time now sitting playing that he doesn't realize the effect it's having on his body.
A cousin comes to play and he just wants to show them the computer games. Josh visits for a week and the neighbors come to ask him to play outside.
Parents tell Rohan he should go play also after he had spent some time in bed with a headache from the overage of the computers.
Rohan figures he can beat them all because he does so well at the computer games but when he actually gets outside he needs help to climb a tree and he's the last on the bike ride.
When I grew up the whole neighborhood played outside til dusk. We had chores in the morning then bike riding, ball games, beach trips. etc
When our children grew up we had just gotten a compute and we all had to share. After school they'd get to use it for an hour, if they didn't turn it off when I asked I just turned the power off. I had to do that only once.
Harsh lesson to learn but they got it. Even today they limit their time and their children's times on the computers. There is so much more to do to keep you healthy.
Beautiful realistic story. Lots of helpful information at the end in the health corner. Other works by the authors are listed at the end.
Stoat & Newt go to Norway by Jacob Rice
This book with different background colors is a bit hard to read.
Starts out when they find out they are heading to Norway.
They learn about the area and their first stop is Fjam the fjords are amazing.
Love how they are able to travel via railway, so relaxing and picturesque.
There are so many spots to visit.
Very colorful, fun, entertaining, children's book about their adventures in Norway.
Adventure Through Time: Exploring America in the 1900's (Adventure Through Time - Children's History Series) by S.L. Robins
This book starts out with TOC where chapters are listed by presidents, inventions, wars and so much more.
This is an excellent way to get your kids to learn about what came before them and what was accomplished and why.
Short intro about the book.
Each president in 1900's has their own page along with a sketch of them. Facts of their lives are included.
Inventions I really like because growing up we knew about them but now how they came about. So fun learning all these things.
References are listed at the end.
The Dog Book for Kids: A Kid’s Guide to Dog Breeds, Behaviors, and How to Care for Your Canine - Plus Unforgettable Doggie Heroes and Incredible Trivia! by Alec Haley
Starts with table of contents, intro about the dogs featured.
Sketches throughout the book are included. Dogs are featured for what they can do to help mankind, disease detector dogs, fire dept dogs, hunting dogs, etc.
This book is so informational and educational. All kinds of instincts what to do when the dog is acting a certain way.
How to take care of the dog is also another important chapter.
Excellent resource book, one to keep.
I love ice cream by Paul Hoottan
Colorful rhyming children's story about ice cream.
Different flavors are mentioned throughout the book.
Love all the mice and their names of ice cream flavors. Can't even imagine them all.
There are games among the pages also, find matching pictures. Other works by the author are listed at the end.
Wilderness Survival by A. Cox
Starts with table of contents then short intro about the book and skills you should learn.
Love craft section the best you can make so many fun things with nature.
Love safety tips throughout. So many just sensible, practical things to bring with you.
Great for even a long car trip you never what you will come across.
Rocky: the Rockefeller Christmas Tree by Jennie Nicassio
Start with foreword about lighting of the first Christmas tree lighting in 1931 and is still ongoing.
Everybody is getting ready for the Christmas tree, the grumpy oaks, reindeer and evergreens.
Animals kept telling Rocky he'd never be the Christmas tree at Rockefeller square.
Snow falling helped his branches fill out. Fairy is there to help Rocky win although AJ the squirrel says he won't win.
Cute pictures at the end of the book.
Coloring pages are available also. Construction of the tree, being transported to the center and being assembled with lights and ornaments.

Summer is ... a summer read aloud rhyming book for kids, fun and educational rhymes with vibrant pictures: a picture book for toddlers and young kids by Barbara Pinke
Very colorful, rhyming, children's book about season. This one is dedicated to summer months.
Everything about summer, sun sand, bugs is all included. So educational with all the pictures and colors.
Other works by the author is listed at the end.
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