Saturday, August 31, 2024

Book Review: Taming the Troublemaker by Kadie Scott


Taming the Troublemaker by  Kadie Scott 
This story is about Beth and she's a local schoolteacher. One night after spending time with her sisters at the bar she heads to her truck and gets in, won't start. it's not her truck. she hurries out but forgot her purse and is trying to figure out how to get it back when Autry shows up, it's his truck. he's a number one troublemaker with the women and his father is tired of it. He will trade 6 months of behaving for the family house.
Autry is so attracted to Beth and they get in a pickle one night and she has to plea their case to the lawyer and ask if they can give community service to Autry.
They do allow him to become a mentor for Dylan, a troubled kid who's been to foster house to another his whole life.
Love the time Beth and Autry do spend with him, teaching him basic sports things, how to fish, etc.
They may have to relocate Dylan out of state soon.... the adults take matters into their own hands to head that off....
Adult situations. Enjoyed the read and how the families come together to help out. Great story. 

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