Saturday, February 22, 2025

Book Review: Get Your Hormones Right Menopause The Change Challenge: Strategies to Beat Insomnia, Cool Hot Flashes, Win Weight Management and Balance Mood Swings Kindle Edition by Freeman Publishing


Get Your Hormones Right Menopause The Change Challenge: Strategies to Beat Insomnia, Cool Hot Flashes, Win Weight Management and Balance Mood Swings Kindle Edition
by Freeman Publishing 
This book is so informative with so much information.
The author makes it a fun entertaining book to read by having quizzes during the book and then evaluating your answers There are also sections after that to write your own notes.
The chapters are summarized. There are also true life stories of others who've gone through the menopause and how they survived.
Love the yoga, holistic and qigong discussions. Love how every aspect of your daily life is put to the test during menopause. Very useful tips about insomnia and how to achieve better sleep patterns, having a sisterhood behind you.
The symptoms, how to aovid them or lessen them and so much more. Discussions of somuch more: hormones, vitamins, supplements, etc.
The Mediterranean diet and what to eat and to avoid are also discussed. Love the exercising aspect and how they give you a few to get by.
There are references during the book and also more at the end.
This is a  book for your reference library, ONE to keep handy.

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