Saturday, February 22, 2025

Book Review: Joey and His Friend Water by Ellen J Lewinberg


Joey and His Friend Water by Ellen J Lewinberg
Love reding this story, would be a super read to share with grandkids.
It's  about a boy who's 10 and he wants more independence around the house, especially being in the backyard forest.
And the parents sit down after dinner and they discuss it and why they set rules because of the water that flows through the trees.
Love how this takaes a turn where water talks to him and explains a lot of things about water and that it is in everything, even our bodies., trees and plants.
SO informative and entertaining to learn about it and how others reach out to help him learn more.
There are references listed at the very end for further education. I even looked up the two places mentioned to learn more about the ecovillage. and what they are all about.
I'd fit right in being so conservation aware.
Very descriptive and imaginative.

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