Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jan 2 books read

The Longest Ride by Nicholas Sparks
The book follows two couples.
Sophia is in college and meets Luke at a barn dance where she's stalked by an old boyfriend. They start dating and find out about one another, their hopes and dreams and family life's.
The story also follows Ira who's in his early 90's and his car has run off the road and it's some time before anybody will even see his car. He's visited by Ruth his wife that had passed away and they reminisce about their life together over the years.
Mystery of how these stories connect to one another has me wondering...
Love the art Ruth and Ira collect and what it signifies.
The love Sophia and Luke have for one another and the choices their paths have yet to make-him especially due to his career and his future life.
Such heartbreak and it comes to a full circle in time...

Soup & Bread COOKBOOK Building Community One Pot at a Time by MARTHA BAYNE
Liked the sound of this as we in the northeast are just having our first n'ester of the new year.
Loved hearing about the reasoning behind the cookbook and 'stone soup'. I also recall hearing of it while reading the fable to our kids.
This is a collection of recipes from soup kitchens in Chicago, Seattle and New York.
New England clam chowder would be my favorite. Such a variety of ethnic cooking in this collection using fresh vegetables and herbs and spices.
Each recipe has a few pages about it's origin. Love the idea of just plain homemade rolls to go along with the soup. Imagine I could add other spices and herbs for flavoring.
I'll be using this book for many meals this upcoming winter.

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